
Open Tech For Resilience

Resilience is capability to bounce back from stresses, strains and shocks. Resilient Cultures is a two-day event at the Festival of your brain 2014 about how open source software, open data, and open hardware can help build social resilience. Build a Raspberry Pi Weather Station (Jo Bates, Information Studies): have a go at building your own Raspberry Pi weather station and sharing the data that you generate directly with the Met Office’s Weather Observations Website. Open Wearable Electronics (Charlotte Godley): Learn how to construct a simple, customisable flashing circuit using planks you can place into your clothing!

See how this may then be customised to your own colours and style and inspiration of what tasks this may be put into. Bio-Microscopy (Ashley Cadby, Physics): gains a complete new perspective on microbes and their habits with this exhibit of high-power microscopes operating at variable focal measures to expose the secret life of bacteria.

Chaos and Structure, Maths and Code (Sam Dolan, Maths) will explore deterministic chaos where simple algorithms often lead to unexpected and beautiful buildings like fractals. Sheffield’s Raspberry Pie Factory (Gee Bartlett from Pimoroni) will showcase simple robotics and games from Sheffield’s own Pi company. RoboPlant (Colin Osborne, Plant Biology / Alastair Buckley, Physics) is a human-sized automatic robot mimicking the applicable stages of photosynthesis in plant life.

Photovoltaic panels absorb light and convert it into electricity. This forces an electrolyser which splits drinking water into hydrogen and air. Game Technology Against Cancer (Cassie Limb). Come and play with the cells that keep you standing, explore their environment in an inflatable bone sculpture, connect with the smallest cells that support your every step and play the latest in malignancy busting open source video games! Laser-Cut Geodesics (James Wallbank, Access Space) will showcase geodesic dome and hexayurt models built from laser-cut panels for resilient modular structures.

3D Scanning (John Moseley, Access Space): 3D printers herald new options in micro-manufacturing – but how do we create the designs that they print out? This show shall display 3D scanning, taking 3D items and turning them into computational models. Open Source Music (Mark Hadman): hand-coded digital and hand-soldered analogue sound machines used for live ambient/drone performance by Mark Hadman (aka Spandril).

Numbers to Grooves (Dominic Moore). Turn yourself into an 8-bit analogue computer via the wonders of tapping, bashing, and bumping. Dominic’s workshop will build live tempo machines from its individuals. Digital music technology works on encodings – as does the musical notation – but here the encoding is you and the computer is the group. This is how music originated – and it was all 100% open up source up until a few hundred years back!

Music is nearly certainly more than the language itself – so we’re all music experts! Big Data and Gut Bacteria (Keith Harris, Maths). Big Data is a buzz term for the collection of data units so complicated that they become extremely difficult to store and analyze using traditional techniques. Join us on Saturday 20th September (10.30am to 2pm) at Firth Hall.

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‘ll make another release later with lessons learned, maybe this time around we’ll be luckier hehehe. Attempt to resolve a real problem, a pain you have detected in your own flesh. In this way, you’ll be your own target customer and you will know what you will need. Keep things simple. Don’t go crazy with the technology stack or the features that the MVP must have. Try to launch and validate your idea as quickly as possible quickly.

Since you’re performing a side-project, make an effort to learn something new along the true way. If the project finally fails, you will at least take with you knew something and knowledge interesting to increase your collection. Don’t be discouraged if assembling your project doesn’t receive all the attention you expected at the beginning, maybe it’s for different reasons. Listen to your audience and make an effort to improve your product little by little. Make lots of launches. Consider each new feature you enhance the product as a new chance to make a new start and get attention.

Another issue is the fact that research has uncovered a lack of spontaneity in selfies and many other photos. They may be planned, the poses aren’t natural and sometimes the image of the person is distorted. They also reflect a narcissistic inclination which designs the face in unnatural mimics – artificial big smiles, sensual pouts, funny encounters, or offensive gestures. Importantly, selfies and many other photos are open public shows of specific attitudes also, intentions and stances. Quite simply, they do not reflect who we are really, they reflect what you want to show to others about ourselves at this time.